Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, November 3, 2024
My Little Brothers, My Little Sisters, Pray for the Souls in Purgatory, Many Souls Go There and Prayers Are Few
Message from Saint Bernadette to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on November 3, 2024, First Sunday of the Month

My little brothers and sisters, I am your little sister Bernadette, pray with your heart, give all your attention to the Beautiful Lady, do not let evil disturb you, distract you, divert you so that you do not allow your prayers to reach the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who can do so much for you, She has the power of intercession with God the Father Almighty, He grants everything, because what She asks of Him is always good for your souls.
Evil makes you ignorant, so that you do not enter into the mystery of faith and prayer. People pray, pray, pray, but they only waste time, because hearts are closed together with their eyes that look with malice, prayer converts hearts, changes the lives of those who practice it, bringing their souls closer to the Holy Trinity, it is by helping their neighbor whoever they are to reach Heaven, where you are all headed.
Heaven is for everyone, and it is the most beautiful place that God the Father Almighty created. The world is not as beautiful as Heaven, there is freedom there, in the world there is slavery, there is love there, in the world there is hatred, there is peace there, in the world there are wars, discord, confusion and so much more, there is joy there, in the world there is sadness.
Do you understand the difference between Heaven and the world that is passing by? But the ignorance that gives you evil does not make you see all this.
My little brothers, My little sisters, build castles in the Spirit, aim high with humility, compete by loving one another, help one another, forgive one another, your neighbor needs to be loved and forgiven, care for your neighbor with love, only then do you care for yourselves, care for and fill your soul.
The Church is very far from this reality. Today people no longer practice these virtues, they no longer teach people that the path to Heaven is prayer. The Church has become just a power center like so many others, that's why there is so much confusion in the world. Many have abandoned the Christian faith, many even if they still believe, they do it in a wrong way, putting limits on God the Father Almighty, talking about the Holy Trinity as if it were a thing of the past.
The world has yet to experience the presence of God the Father Almighty. Despite chastisements, natural events, they do not see the power of God the Father Almighty, and the mercy of Jesus Our Brother, do not understand that all are called to conversion, to change their lives and to believe that salvation can only be bestowed by God the Father Almighty, because the powerful of this world, no matter how powerful they are, cannot secure salvation for anyone.
With sadness I say to you, that even Lourdes is living in confusion, it should have been a converted Nation all of France, because of the miracles, the healings that took place in Lourdes, but even if the project of God the Father Almighty has been thwarted, it is not yet finished, the chastisements that will take place will bring them to the point of lowering themselves to the will of God the Father Almighty.
The whole world will lower itself to the will of God the Father Almighty, for the designs, those established, with great justice will be revealed to the world.
The end of time the world will see, the things of Heaven here on earth and they will not be able to deny the evidence, and the powers will fall including the Church.
Pray My little brothers, pray My little sisters, help the Beautiful Lady. Together we can be a force, even if evil prevails in the world, but the Beautiful Lady has the evil Her feet by the will of God the Father Almighty, because Jesus Our Brother already defeated it, by His death and Resurrection.
When you pray think about these things and the Spirit enlightens you about much more, do not ask for material things, because God the Father Almighty knows about everything you need.
My little brothers, My little sisters, pray for the souls in purgatory, many souls go there and prayers are few. Today together let's do something for them, each of you create a casket and pray for the departed souls those that belong to you, start with them, and then day by day you will add to this casket the names of all those who ask you for prayers, each time you add a name, that day you will make a renunciation for that soul you are praying for, commit to doing this, so one day there will be those who will also pray for you.
My little brothers, My little sisters, I have longed to speak to you, soon I will return, remember Me in your prayers, I will make myself close to you.
I love you so much, be obedient, for obedience pleases God the Father Almighty, but do not obey the world, neither have I ever done so.
Now I must go, the Beautiful Lady is calling Me, She blesses us all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer of St. Gertrude to free 1000 Holy Souls from Purgatory